Back to School Will Mean More Supplies This Year

Going back to school will look and feel very different this year. Some communities will not be going anywhere, at-home learning will be the necessary method for educating our children. But for those of us that will be sending kids back to schools, we'll need to send them with additional school gear. Masks will be necessary.
The CDC has released its considerations for schools and if your school district plans to reopen, you'll need to start preparing your children now with proper mask-wearing procedures.
Here are some tips:
1. Let your child choose the color/pattern
2. Practice wearing the mask around the house, in the neighborhood, and on any outings
3. Make sure they understand what a proper fit feels like so they can ask for help if it needs adjusting during the day
4. Have enough masks on-hand to be able to wash the mask after each days' use (suggest 5-6 masks for each week)
5. Choose a mask that allows the child to easily talk without having to adjust the mask
6. Try a rewards system and adding a mask to a stuffed friend to make it less scary
For more tips, check out this downloadable PDF from the University of Michigan Health Blog.