2021 Updated Catalog

LA Linen has always been known for the reliable and fast shipping which is made possible with our On-Demand production setup. Our incredibly efficient Just-In-Time production enables us to produce and ship all retail orders within about 8 business hours. Having a reliable and steady supply chain is an important part of this setup, and with all the supply issues caused by the 2020 pandemic, this has become very difficult.
At the start of 2020, we offered over 10,000 different items, in a variety of fabrics and colors. Many of these fabrics are imported from various countries, with many current issues in the supply chain.
Rather than offering this large selection and dealing with certain delays, we decided to discontinue a portion of our items and instead put all our efforts in providing the same reliable service on our most popular product lines.
So as of Feb of 2021, you will see an updated catalog, presenting the best selling items preferred by our buyers. This also makes it possible for us to provide a safe working environment for all our staff at our factory in Los Angeles.
Our new product line is now active, and although many of our resellers may still carry some of our discontinued items in their inventory, any such items will not be produced in the future.
We appreciate your continued support, and want you to know that we have done our best to provide you with the same level of quality and service you have come to expect from us, while making sure our employees remain safe, and can provide you with the ultimate level of customer service.
We look forward to serving you in the future.
Danny Levy